Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Onstead is hella polished

There is an interview with Chris Onstad of Achewood (achewood.com) fame located here. I haven't read the entire interview yet, but there's a pretty spiffy picture of Chris with Beef and Ray on there.

The reason that I am posting this link is not only because of the interview or what just might be the only known picture of Chris ever taken, but also because of the comments made by the fans of the strip. The fans are hella funny, and you can see how each and every one of them has taken some kind of achewood-ish speak or behavior or attitude out of Chris's strips and into the "real world". The one liners are almost all hilarious, and its apparent how seriously (but comically) fans of the strip take the whole scene.

Dan would probably be a lot better at explaining this to you since he is perpetually connected to the central cortex of the Achewood universe by a series of cable wires that plug into several different kinds of electrical outlets and gas station free air tanks, but word on the street is that he is a flake and generally avoids any and all contact with the world due to his recent accident which led him to only able to communicate through David Byrne (and if you've ever heard THAT guy talk you can only imagine what Byrne's translation of Dan's gibberish sounds like..)

My favorite comment:

by Andreabobandrea
You assholes better stop reading my comic.
3:28 PM Mon August 6, 2007

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