Friday, July 11, 2008

Radda radda, radda radda radda radda.

I really like the TV show Chowder on cartoon network. Its slowly becoming better as time goes on, and definitely is sneaking up on Fosters as my favorite cartoon. Fosters has a lot more episodes under its belt, so we will see how things go at the end of Chowder's second season, but I find myself falling a lot faster for Chowder than I did for Mac or Bloo, or even Eduardo. The thing about Fosters is that there were so many different characters I cared about, while in Chowder there's really only two (even though there are way more), so Shnitzel and Chowder get more love between the two as compared to say Cheese, Bloo, Mac, Eduardo and Frankie, who all got equal shares of the pot.


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