Wednesday, November 19, 2008

pho pho pho nom nom nom (plus aquabats = superrad)

Mike bought us tickets to the Aquabats.

We left early (about 6:45) because I thought it would be a good idea to get some pho at anywhere in Chinatown before the show (at the Troc). We got to about Girard Ave exit (40 mins to get there, the exit right before the right one to get where we were heading), when Mike asks me if I have the tickets. I didn't. We turned around and drove back home, got the tickets, and headed back down to Philly. At this point I'm starving, so I ask Mike to call the Troc to find out what time the bats are playing. 9:45. Perfect. Its only 8:30, and we're right outside the city.

We roll up into Chinatown, and drive to the Troc. I think to myself, great, we're going to spend a half hour finding parking, and I'm still going to be starving.

Not so. There was a parking spot right in front of the Troc.

I'm not talking about down the street, I'm talking about RIGHT IN FRONT. HA! Fuck all you guys, its cold. We don't have to walk NO blocks to our car. Double luck hits us as well, because there is a pho place right across the street. We both get the same thing, pork with spring roll and verm noodooz, scarf that shit down in 15 minutes, and go to the show.

We missed Tragedy, the metal tribute to the Beegees, but whatever. We did see the end of Suburban Legends, who we thought were a boy band before the dancers picked up their horns and started playing, that was pretty cute. The Aquabats were hilarious - I had never seen them before, and now I am superglad I did! I did get a belly ache and missed a portion of their set while I watched a cockroach come alarmingly close to climbing up the toilet I was pooing on, but overall a great time.

There were lots of kids there which I'm sure you already knew, but they were really cute. Its good to see that there are plenty of kids out there still going to shows and having fun. We also saw a MIKEPASUNDOPPLEGANGER - this kid was just like Mike 5 years ago RIGHT DOWN to the flannel shirt. He didn't have the sleeves cut off, but it was cold, so I'm going to stick with the idea that he probably wears cut-offs in the warmer weathers. The thing I noticed the most about him though was how he was singing in the crowd and rocking out - so incredibly like Mike's mannerisms.. people, it was eerie. I should have gotten his number.

Sunday we .. well spent all day in bed, but we also went to SKA IS DEAD at the Starland, which I hate. Having slept until about 4:30, only getting out of bed around 530 and stopping at a bar to eat on the way there, we got into the venue right as the Toasters were finishing their set, which sucks, because they were the real reason I wanted to go in the first place. If we had waited to get bar food until after the show we would have seen it, but I was convinced that the Toasters were more important than the Pietasters and Mustard Plug. Turns out I am incredibly wrong. The show had started at 3, but the Toasters basically opened up the show for the other three big names (about 7 bands played, i think). THE TOASTERS PEOPLE! TWO TONE ARMY! I guess I am one of the few people in the world who think that they are one of the most important bands ever, or people just don't care. Who knows.

We left about 20 minutes after getting there.

At the bar, there was a bug hanging out on a chair. The bar's motto was, "A good place to hang out". I guess the bug thought so too.

So that's my ska weekend, in a nutshell.

(we also painted the kitchen and got verizon fios, but we no longer get MSNBC. KEITH OLBERMANN! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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